
General Election: voters urged to highlight fake newspapers

Posted on: June 18, 2024 by Claire Meadows

Ahead of the election on 4 July, the Society of Editors is urging voters to alert them to any fake newspaper style electioneering letters that have been distributed to them on behalf of political candidates.

This follows the Society’s pledge earlier this year to “name and shame” parties and candidates that continue to attempt to mislead voters by distributing campaign material disguised as local newspapers during the election period.

Earlier this year the Liberal Democrat Party issued new guidance to members asking them to ensure that all newspaper style leaflets  are clearly identifiable on the front page as being from, and paid for, by the Liberal Democrats however questions have been raised as to whether masthead markings are clear enough

The Conservative Party has also been criticised for its use of fake newspapers

Anyone who has been in receipt of election material disguised as a local newspaper of magazine is asked to get in touch with the Society at or tag us on X at

 Picture: A fake newspaper distributed by the Liberal Democrat Party in Tunbridge Wells on behalf of candidate Mike Martin