
JPIMedia titles salute to nation’s Health Heroes

Posted on: April 9, 2020 by Claire Meadows

More than 100 titles across JPIMedia have come together today to pay tribute to Health Heroes on their front covers.

Under a headline of ‘You Are All Heroes’, JPI titles have published the same front page banner alongside photos of those working on the frontline in their communities. The tribute is intended to show gratitude and salute those who continue to tackle the spread of Covid-19.

Jeremy Clifford, editor-in-chief of the publisher said: “We have heard so many great stories of key workers who are continuing to work that we wanted to pay tribute to these in a big statement across our portfolio of products.

“As a result of an appeal to readers, we have been inundated with photos and messages. We hope that by putting them on our home pages and front pages, we are playing our small part in thanking those workers.”

The #healthheroes campaign – which follows the regional press campaign #ThereWithYou – aims to shine a light on health care workers alongside other vital key roles including carers and shop workers to refuse collectors and bus drivers.