
Notice of Society of Editors AGM 2018

Posted on: October 12, 2018 by admin

Notice of the Twntieth Annual General Meeting of the Society of Editors to be held on Sunday November 4, 2018 at the Lowry Hotel, Manchester

Any full or deputy member who wishes to put a resolution or raise a matter under any other business should advise the executive director by Monday 29 October 2018. Full and deputy members are entitled to vote and qualified members may appoint a proxy to attend and vote in his or her stead in accordance with the Memorandum and Articles of Association. A copy is available on the website or from the executive director. To be valid a proxy must be received at the Society office no later than on Monday 29 October 2018 or at the Lowry Hotel, Manchester by 12 noon on Sunday 4th November 2018.

I Murray –Executive Director


  1. President’s opening remarks
  2. Apologies for absence.
  3. Minutes: To adopt, if approved, the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 12 November 2017.
  1. Accounts: To receive and, if approved, adopt the accounts for the financial year up to 31 December 2017.
  1. To record the Society’s thanks for service on the board to Barrie Jones who retired from the board during the year.
  1. To note and approve the appointment by the board of Jonathan Grun as Honorary Treasurer.  This is the unanimous proposal of the board.
  1. To note and approve the appointment new members to the board: Caroline Waterston, Oliver Duff, Ceri Gould, Paul Clarkson and Polly Curtis. This is the unanimous proposal of the board.
  1. To elect the President for the year 2018-2019:  Ian MacGregor, Editor Emeritus of the Telegraph. This is the unanimous proposal of the board.
  1. Date of next meeting: The next meeting will take place in the autumn of 2019 at a time and venue to be confirmed.
  1. Any other business.